PCI-Express multifunkčné karty analog+digital I/O
DAQe-2005/DAQe-2006 PCI Express 4-CH, 14/16-Bit, DAQ Card
DAQe-2010/DAQe-2016 PCI Express 4-CH, 14/16-Bit, DAQ Card
ISA multifunkčné karty analog+digital I/O
ACL-8112 Series 16-CH 12-Bit 100 kS/s Multi-Function DAQ Cards
PCI multifunkčné karty analog+digital I/O
PCI-9111(DG/HR) Series 16-CH 12/16-Bit 100 kS/s Low-Cost Multi-Function DAQ Car
LPCI-9112 Low-Profile 16-CH 12-Bit 110 kS/s Multi-Function DAQ Card
PCI-9112 16-CH 12-Bit 110 kS/s Multi-Function DAQ Card
PCI-9114 Series 32-CH 16-Bit Up to 250 kS/s Multi-Function DAQ Cards
PCI-9221 Low-Cost 16-Bit Multi-Function DAQ Card with 2-CH Encoder Input
ISA analog I/O
PCL-813B 32-channel S.E. Isolated A/D Card
ISA digital I/O, Counter/Timer, Relé
PCL-731 48-bit Digital I/O Card
PCL-724 24-bit Digital I/O Card
PCL-734 32-channel Isolated Digital Output Card
PCL-733 32-channel Isolated Digital Input Card
ACL-7225 16-CH Relay Outputs & 16-CH Isolated DI Card
ACL-7120A/6 32-CH DI & 32-CH DO Timer/Counter Card
PCI digital I/O, Counter/Timer, Relé
PCI-7432 Isolated 32-Ch Digital I/O Card
PCI-7230 Isolated 16-Ch Digital I/O Card
PCI-7250/PCI-7251 8-CH Relay Outputs & 8-CH Isolated DI Card
PCI-7260 8-CH High-Power Relay Outputs & 8-CH Isolated Digital Inputs Card
PCI-7200 12 MB/s High Speed Digital I/O Card
PCI-7300A 80 MB/s High Speed 32-CH Digital I/O Card
PCI-7442 64-CH Isolated DI and 64-CH Isolated DO Card
Riadenie motorov
PCL-839+ ISA 16-bit, 3-axis Stepping Motor Control Card
PCI-8124 Advanced 4-CH Encoder Card with High-speed Triggering Board
PCI-8136 6-CH Quadrature Encoder and Multi-function I/O Card
Pripojovacie moduly a svorkovnice
PCLD-785/B 16/24-channel Relay Output Boards
ACLD-8125 Termination Board with a 37-pin D-sub Connector
HSL-4XMO Remote 4-axis stepper & servo motor control module (HSL)
Pripojovacie moduly DIN
ADAM-3950/D/S 50-pin Flat Cable Wiring Terminal for DIN-rail Mounting
ADAM-3937 DB-37 Wiring Terminal for DIN-rail Mounting
ADAM-3925 DB-25 Wiring Terminal for DIN-rail Mounting
ADAM- 3920 20-pin Flat Cable Wiring Terminal for DIN-rail Mounting
ADAM- 3909 DB-9 Wiring Terminal for DIN-rail Mounting
DIN-20P Termination board with one 20-pin ribbon connector
2001-2024 Q-PRODUCTS, všetky práva vyhradené